Program Schedule

This is our list of at-convention program items, including “hybrid” items that will include in-person and online participants and can be viewed by all members, including supporting members, online. Instructions for viewing online programming will be sent shortly before the convention to all members who have registered a valid email address with us. You must be at least a supporting member of Westercon 74 to be able to watch our virtual and hybrid programming online. See our Registration page for information about joining Westercon 74. The last day you can register for Westercon 74 online is June 25, 2022. No online registration will be available after that date or during the convention.

See our Virtual Program page for online-only program items. Members at the convention will be able to watch virtual program items in the Blue Room of the Tonopah Convention Center.

Program Items are listed in alphabetical order in the Detailed Program Schedule below. A chronological schedule is in the Program Grid below.

Program Grid

Last update: July 1, 2022, 16:50 PDT
The program grid is a two page 11 x 17 inch (tabloid/ledger) PDF, intended to be printed double-sided and folded once.

Times given here are for Tonopah, Nevada, which is Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Detailed Program Schedule

TCC=Tonopah Convention Center. Note that the Mizpah Hotel and the Mizpah Club are separate buildings. The Autograph Table is in the Dealers Room (the Buckboard Room at the rear of the TCC). Program items are subject to change without notice.

Last Update: June 26, 2022, 14:00 PDT.

Location Room Day Time Program Item
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 3:30pm AI and writing/creation  The new horror boom with Nick Mamatas, Sean Patrick Hazlett
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Fri 12:30pm All Fiction is Fantasy So why is the SFF subset of literature (or any “genre”, for that matter) such a red-headed stepchild of literature? Why is “literary” fiction so afraid of genre? with Jim Doty
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Fri 3:30pm At Play in the Land of Story How fan fiction stretches the imagination, nurtures the art of storytelling, and keeps the magic alive OR makes creators out of consumers with Maggie Nowakowska
TCC Autograph Table Fri 3:30pm Autograph Session with Gerald D. Nordley
TCC Autograph Table Sun 3:30pm Autograph Session with Jim Doty
TCC Autograph Table Sat 2:00pm Autograph Session with Maggie Nowakowska
TCC Autograph Table Fri 2:00pm Autograph Session with Michelle Evans
TCC Autograph Table Sat 3:30pm Autograph Session with Sean Patrick Hazlett
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 3:30pm Basics of Ghost Hunting Ghost hunting isn’t complicated. You don’t need a trunkful of expensive tools and equipment to enjoy this popular endeavor. This discussion focuses on simple methods anyone can use and how to get started with Janice Oberding
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 12:30pm Beyond the Trope Exploring the Freedoms of Literary Fantasy with Talulah J. Sullivan (Online)
TCC Gold Room Fri 3:30pm The Book of Beasts The fundamentals of monster creation with Kevin Andrew Murphy
TCC Gold Room Sun 2:00pm Brick & Mortar to an Online Store What it takes to make the transition with Myrna Donato
Mizpah Hotel 3rd Floor Game Room Sun 9:00am Bridge (9-11am) Gaming Bridge is an old fannish favorite. Drop by for one hand or several, pick up the basics if you’re a newbie, or refresh your skills if you’re a past master.  Hosted by Petrea Mitchell
Mizpah Club Ballroom Mon 12:30pm Can anyone be a writer What does it take to be a successful writer or is this a career for only a select few? with Jim Doty
TCC Gold Room Fri 2:00pm Canon’s in Science Fiction Literature – What constitutes a proper science fiction canon in literature? with Bradford Lyau (M), Jim Doty
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 3:30pm Central Nevada Museum Presents The Tonopah History Presentation with Allen Metscher
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 11:00am Classics of Science Fiction Judgement Night by C.L. Moore Discussion with John Hertz
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 5:00pm Classics of Science Fiction The Door into Summer by Robert A. Heinlein Discussion with John Hertz
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sun 11:00am Close but not quite to the speed of Light Classic stories that were not generation ships, but not FTL either.  Clarke’s Songs of Distant Earth, Childhood’s End, Haldeman’s Forever War series.  Poul Anderson’s Starfarers and Tau Zero, Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children, and others.   How does the travel time make these stories different, and maybe harder to write? with Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
TCC Main Stage Mon 5:00pm Closing Ceremony Chairman Kevin Standlee, GoH Kevin Andrew Murphy, GoH Myrna Donato
TCC Gold Room Fri 12:30pm Costumes at Play SF and fantasy costuming, cosplay, steampunk, Ren Faires, mummers and more! What we do and why we do it Presentation: with Zelda Gilbert
TCC Gold Room Mon 12:30pm Costuming For Your Body People seeing something on someone can help you decide. What looks good on your body? Presentation: with Carole Parker
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 9:30am Current State of Space Opera – Space Opera has always been a key part of science fiction, and it has recently returned to the big screen with Denis Villeneuve’s Dune. Who is writing Space Opera today? How has it changed over the decades? And whose vision of the future might we see in TV or movies next? Gareth L. Powell,  Ken MacLeod  International Online
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 2:00pm The Cutting Edge What are the latest discoveries in Nuclear Fusion and Particle Physics with Will Morton, Timothy Cassidy-Curtis, Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
Mizpah Hotel 3rd Floor Game Room Sat 12:30 – 3:30pm D & D 5th Edition 12:30 – 3:30pm with Kevin Andrew Murphy
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 5:00pm Defining Rational Thinking In a world where post-modernism ideas are gaining audiences what role does rational thinking play with Bradford Lyau
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 11:00am Diversity in writing  A look at the different perspectives of a variety of authors varied styles with Talulah J. Sullivan (online) (M), W.A. Thomasson (onsite)
Mizpah Club Ballroom Fri 2:00pm Does “Minimum Viable Population” Apply to People? How many people does one need to start a colony or repopulate a planet?  Studies of wild populations suggest about 50 for survival and 500 for genetic stability, but these aren’t hard numbers especially for intelligent beings aware of the problem and have gene reading and perhaps editing technology.  Could a suitably equipped “Adam and Eve” start a new branch of the human family tree?  What would that be like? with Gerald D. Nordley
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sun 2:00pm Dream Journals: How to start a conversation with yourself with Kimberly Roberts
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 12:30pm The Economic impact of the Space Program We need reminders about how ordinary lives have been impacted by the Space Program with Timothy Cassidy-Curtis, Gerald D. Nordley
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 12:30pm Exoplanets What is out there? Presentation with Will Morton
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sun 3:30pm Fan Fiction Keeps the Wonder of a Story Alive By permitting writers and readers to explore outside the narrow confines of the original story with Maggie Nowakowska
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 7:00pm Filking 30-minute concert with Kathleen Sloan
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 7:00pm Filking 30-minute concert with Lynn Gold
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 7:00pm Filking 30-minute concert with Robin Baylor and Fred Capp
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 7:30pm Filking 60 minute song circle of songs about the stars after that, open filking
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 7:30pm Filking 60-minute “Fan’s First Filks” song circle about the songs you learned long ago, filks and found filks after that, open filking
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 7:30pm Filking 60-minute song circle of songs about the west, mining, and related stuff after that, open filking
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 2:00pm From idea to paper Is this a process of pure inspiration and imagination or a calculated structured procedure?  with W.A. Thomasson (onsite),Talulah J. Sullivan  (online)
Mizpah Club Ballroom Fri 3:30pm Ghost Hunting 101: Goals, protections, how-tos and tips
So many paranormal buffs watch the investigation shows on TV, but rarely see the preparations needed for a ghost
hunt. Experienced researchers explain why goals and protections are necessary, as well as details like what clothes
or foods can hamper capturing evidence with  Adrienne Foster (M), Kimberly Roberts
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Fri 8:00pm Ghosts of Tonopah/Goldfield Region Presentation: with Janice Oberding
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 9:30am Gulf Futurism – is an emerging movement that recognizes the Gulf’s hyper-modernization and its impact on the local culture. Cristina Jurado, Noura Al Noman, Ashraf Alfagih
Mizpah Club Ballroom Mon 3:30pm Hal Clement (Harry Clement Stubbs) at 100 Hal Clement would have been 100 years old this year.  What did he anticipate, what might surprise him?  What was his impact on Science Fiction? with Gerald D. Nordley, Steve Gillett
Mizpah 3rd Floor Game Room Fri 1:00pm The Hands of FATE (1pm-4pm) Gaming Join game master J. Comer for a frolic in the home-brewed world of the Chennad as you build your own characters and venture into a world that you help to build.  A deadly message has arrived from the Great South, and General Juhungur needs help- what trouble brews in the Sunwall Mountains? Find out and help shape the game by the powers of FATE! Hosted by James Comer
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 5:00pm The Haunted Typewriter Ghost Hunting in Fiction with Kevin Andrew Murphy
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 8:00am Having a Point of View – As an author you have views that are important to you, and which you want to convey to your readers. How do you do that while still entertaining the readers, and not making it sound like you are preaching at them?  Juliet E. McKenna, Gareth L. Powell  International Online
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 8:00am Historical Writing in Fiction – How important is the use of historical sources by writers?  Juliet E McKenna (m), Cheryl Morgan, Lucy Holland, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Lauren Beukes  International Online
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sun 11:00am How religion/spiritualism is treated in SF canon (TV ex: Raised by Wolves, BSG). The fascination by how faith is represented in a science-centric milieu with Maggie Nowakowska
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 2:00pm How to Create your Characters What steps are needed to create your SF/Fantasy Character Workshop: with Will Morton & Timothy Cassidy Curtis
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 3:30pm Impromptu Storytelling or the never ending story An extemporaneous story is started by the panel host and continued by audience members until ended by the host with W.A. Thomasson
TCC Gold Room Sat 2:00pm In the Line of Duty Michael Adams and the X-15 Presentation:  with Michelle Evans
TCC Gold Room Mon 11:00am The Ins & Outs of Selling Books Online with Myrna Donato
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Fri 2:00pm Introduction to Shibori Techniques Shibori is an umbrella of historical dyeing techniques that involve stitching, binding, clamping (Itajime), and pole wrapping (Arashi). Come find out when some of these techniques were developed, and which ones you could use for S.C.A. Presentation: with Carole Parker
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sun 2:00pm Kaffeeklatsch with Eileen Gunn
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Fri 10:00pm Kaffeeklatsch with Janice Oberding
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sat 11:00am Kaffeeklatsch with Jim Comer
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sat 5:00pm Kaffeeklatsch with Jim Doty
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sun 11:00am Kaffeeklatsch with Kevin Andrew Murphy
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Fri 5:00pm Kaffeeklatsch with Kimberly Roberts
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sat 12:30pm Kaffeeklatsch with Pat Murphy
Belvada Hotel Safe Room Sun 3:30pm Kaffeeklatsch with Sean Patrick Hazlett
TCC Gold Room Fri 8:00pm Kerbal Space Program In Kerbal Space Program, take charge of the space program for the alien race known as the Kerbals. In this demo access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that flies (or doesn’t) based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics Demonstration: with Guy Bradshaw
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Mon 12:30pm The Laws of Magic: Fantasy World Building How to build your fantasy world with Kevin Andrew Murphy
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 2:00pm The Long Road to Tonopah Lisa Hayes, Kevin Standlee, and Kuma Bear first bid for Westercon in Tonopah in 2010, where they polled one-third of the votes cast even though they were an unfiled write-in bid. Since then, they continued to extoll the virtues of Tonopah, and in 2019, the members of Westercon 72 in Layton, Utah, selected Tonopah over a bid from Phoenix. Come listen to Lisa and Kevin talk about why they originally bid for Tonopah and how a bid that nobody took seriously except Lisa came to host Westercon 74 Presentation: with Kevin Standlee, Lisa Hayes, Kuma Bear
TCC Main Stage Sat 7pm Match Game SF Get ready to match the stars! In this SF/F-themed version of the classic 1970s-80s game show, contestants match wits with the panel and attempt to guess how the panelists will answer fill-in-the-blank questions like, “The Starfleet Admiral said, ‘Captain Kirk has the biggest ___ in Starfleet!'” Contestants will be randomly drawn from the audience, and winners of the main game go on to play for a bonus prize. All contestants will win something, even if only a Lovely Parting Gift. 7pm – 9pm with Kevin Standlee, Lisa Hayes, Michelle Deborah Weisblat-Dane, Lynn Gold, Maggie Nowakowska, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Kevin Roche, Andrew Trembley
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Mon 2:00pm My Most Recent Book A selected reading by Authors from their most recent book with Kevin Andrew Murphy, Sean Patrick Hazlett
TCC Gold Room Sun 8:00pm Nanotech Asteroid Mining How Nanotech Makes Asteroid Mining Obsolete Presentation:  with Steve Gillett
Mizpah Club Ballroom Fri 11:00am Nevada in Science Fiction A look at Nevada’s influence in Science Fiction with Steve Gillett
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 3:30pm 90 Year Starship 11 Years ago, Adam Crowl and Gerald Nordley presented a roadmap for interstellar travel to the “100 Year Starship” Conference.  Key technologies needed included self replicating machines, particle or pellet beams that ramped up to nearly the speed of light, and magnetic fields able to divert ions at relative velocities close to the speed of light.  Ten years (well, 11) where do we stand? Presentation:  with Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
TCC Gold Room Sun 12:30pm No Sew Color How to add color to your costume or garment without having to sew using adhesives, silicon caulk, fabric paints, and dyes. Products and techniques will include how to get the look of quilting without having to quilt, edge treatments, and how to deal with fabric that unravels easily. Samples of different products, their uses, and results will be available for close inspection Presentation: with Carole Parker
TCC Main Stage Fri 2:00pm Opening Ceremony Chairman Kevin Standlee, GoH Kevin Andrew Murphy, GoH Myrna Donato. Followed by Question Time for the Utah in 2024 Westercon bid and for Westercon 75 in Anaheim.
TCC Gold Room Sat 12:30pm Orbital Mechanics How do they do that?  How do NASA and the ESA get their astronauts and satellites up into orbit. This presentation will include active computer simulations.  We’ll cover basic orbital trajectories, as well as more advanced concepts like binary star system orbits, translunar trajectories and inter-planetary trajectories, and gravitational slingshot maneuvers.  No equations needed. Presentation: with Jim Doty
TCC Gold Room Fri 5:00pm Orbital Mechanics of Our Solar System Or, why don’t all the planets crash into each other. Our planets, their moons and the Sun survive in a complex dance that’s taken 4 Billion years to orchestrate. We’re going to look at some computer simulations, with data taken from NASA’s Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility. We’ll start with a brief introduction of basic Orbital Mechanics, then get into the fun stuff. This presentation will include active computer simulations of orbital interactions of our planets. No equations needed. Presentation: with Jim Doty
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 11:00am Our kind of SF/Fantasy costuming was the genesis of cosplay  It started at the first World Science Fiction, which was held in New York in 1939, when Forrest J. Ackerman showed up in a futuristic costume designed by his girlfriend. It has since evolved into cosplay Presentation: with Zelda Gilbert
TCC Gold Room Mon 2:00pm Paranormal history, Clairvoyance  Presentation: with Kimberly Roberts
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Fri 5:00pm Paranormal Research with Historical Bent The paranormal and history intersect. Historical facts are often used to determine and to explain the accuracy of paranormal findings (i.e. ghosts and hauntings of a location) we’ll explore ways to research a location’s hauntings and other paranormal activity while looking at its history with Janice Oberding
Mizpah 3rd Floor Game Room Sat 10:30am Pathfinder Bounty #10 Gaming (10:30am-noon) – A kind traveler was escorting a clutch of wayward baby dinosaurs to safety when they broke free of their temporary enclosure. The PCs are tasked with rounding up the dinosaurs, but when they learn one is missing, their quest to rescue it takes them into the harsh wilderness of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Hosted by Petrea Mitchell
Players who are new to Pathfinder 2nd edition or Pathfinder Society are welcome.
Mizpah 3rd Floor Game Room Mon 10:30am Pathfinder Bounty #4 (10:30am-noon) – On a recent trip across the trade routes of the Golden Road, a merchant was robbed and her beloved family heirloom—a puzzle box—stolen. The PCs will have to keep their wits about as they head into the desert to unravel the riddle of what happened and recover the missing antique.  Players who are new to Pathfinder 2nd Edition or Pathfinder Society are welcome. Hosted by Petrea Mitchell
TCC Gold Room Sat 3:30pm Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosions A vidio look on this subject Presentation: with C.D. Carson
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 2:00pm Psychic Kids: how to find out if your child/family member is gifted with Kimberly Roberts
Mizpah Ballroom Sat 8:00pm Reading by Michelle Evans
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 5:00pm Reading of Bill Ellern’s Moon Prospector by C.D. Carson
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 3:30pm Reading with Eileen Gunn
TCC Gold Room Sun 11:00am Reading with Pat Murphy
Mizpah Club Ballroom Fri 8:00pm Reading with Sean Patrick Hazlett
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sun 8:00pm Regency Dance with John Hertz
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 12:30pm Reusable or Expendable Spacecraft, is there really a debate?  A discussion on the use of expendable boosters and stages as opposed to reusable boosters and stages with Timothy Cassidy-Curtis (M), Jim Doty, Michelle Evans, Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
Mizpah Club Ballroom Mon 2:00pm Role of science and its application & applying it to SF How theory goes into practice.  For example, Einstein’s E=mc(2) led to atomic energy.  Galileo’s use of telescopes to discover Jupiter’s moons or for military purposes. How one can apply this topic to examples in SF. with Bradford Lyau (M), Jim Doty
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 11:00am The Role of Science Fiction In an increasingly science-fictional (and dystopian) world with Pat Murphy, Eileen Gunn
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sun 11:00am Sacred Costumes Political, life stage and sacred costumes and how they’re all related Presentation: with Zelda Gilbert
Mizpah Ballroom Sat 10:00pm A SciFi Poetry Slam Attendees are invited to share their SciFi Poetry
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 11:00am SciFi Web3  Is a new Science Fiction community that combines NFTs and the Metaverses. Come find out exactly what NFTs are, why you would like one and what the Metaverse is all about. Presentation:  with Michelle Deborah Weisblat-Dane
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 2:00pm So You Want to Produce an Anthology Creating an anthology Presentation: with Sean Patrick Hazlett
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Fri 8:00am Space Westerns – Cowboys vs Aliens, Serenity, Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone  are just of the few Space Westerns from years past.  Now with the re-launch live action series Cowboy Bebop are we starting a resurgence of the Space Western genre and is this a good idea?    Stark Holborn  International Online
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 9:30am Speculative fiction of the world – Who needs brave new worlds when we don’t make the best of the one we have? There are science fiction writers all over the world, working in many different languages. This panel will suggest some whose work you might want to explore. Cristina Jurado, Fabio Fernandes, Lauren Beukes
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 12:30pm Star Trek vs Star Wars Let the discussion begin.  No phasers or lightsabers allowed with Maggie Nowakowska
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sat 8:00pm Stranger Things Showing Come watch the last 2 episodes of the series which are being dropped today.
TCC Main Stage Sun 1:00pm Kuma’s Korner Stuffed Friends Gathering All stuffed members meet on the Main Stage of the TCC for a photo opportunity with Kuma Bear
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Mon 11:00am Sword & Planet  Distant worlds of wild adventure! Pulpy fun with Carson of Venus and John Carter of Mars! This panel will question classic adventure SF set on far worlds, where Earth humans quest and conquer with native allies and foes. While some sword-and-planet fiction is now badly dated, other series continue to sell after many years.  What can we say now about such works? with Jim Doty
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Mon 3:30pm Terraforming Venus What will it take to make Venus Liveable? Presentation: with Steve Gillett
TCC Gold Room Sun 5:00pm The 3 Laws of Robotics With the Current Status of Robotic advancement are we creating a new race?  Will Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics be enough? with Arlene Busby (M), Michelle Deborah Weisblat-Dane, Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sun 8:00pm Trivia Contest with Ric Bretschneider
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sun 2:00pm Urban Legends in Science Salt causes high blood pressure. We only use 10% of our brains. Vaccines cause autism. Where does this stuff come from, and why do these fallacies persist? Scientists and science-knowledgeable fans dissect some of the crazy things we hear  with Jim Doty
Mizpah Club Ballroom Fri 5:00pm Weird Wars What do you get when you mix geopolitics with weird fiction? Well, two anthologies apparently called Weird World War III and Weird World War IV.  with Sean Patrick Hazlett (M), Kevin Andrew Murphy
TCC Main Stage Sun 11:00am Westercon Business Meeting Open to all members, the Business Meeting is where changes to the Westercon rules are debated and voted upon. The meeting also receives the results of Westercon Site Selection and determines what to do if there is no eligible bid for Westercon 76. For procedural reasons, a separate meeting of a Committee of the Whole on 2024 Westercon Site Selection was held as part of Westercon Business.
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sun 12:30pm What is Corporate horror It is a horror sub-genre that features the feelings of alienation, inhumanity, nihilism, and callousness engendered by a faceless corporation and is often coupled with the menace of a malicious weird fictional or supernatural force or entity associated with that particular corporation. The work of Thomas Ligotti is particularly notable in this sub-genre with Sean Patrick Hazlett
Mizpah Club Ballroom Sat 11:00am What you need to colonize a new planet Worldbuilding with Timothy Cassidy-Curtis, Gerald D. Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 8:00am Who could have Predicted? Plague novels / Meta / other horribly relevant things we thought were fictional when we were writing them Lauren Beukes (M), Mike Carey, Ken MacLeod  International Online
Belvada Hotel Nevada Club Room Sun 5:00pm Who’s your daddy? Just who are the fathers of these Star Wars characters Anakin Skywalker, Korky Kryze (The Clone Wars), Grogu (The Mandalorian), etc. with Maggie Nowakowska
Mizpah Hotel 3rd Floor Game Room Sun 12:30 – 3:30pm Wild Cards: Mutants and Masterminds – Table top 12:30 – 3:30pm with Kevin Andrew Murphy
TCC Blue Room (Hybrid) Sat 9:30am A Women’s Voice – Discussions on folklore/fairytales, reinventing old stories for modern audiences by female writers.  Lucy Holland (M), Juliet E. McKenna, Stark Holborn  International Online
TCC Gold Room Fri 11:00am The X-15 Rocket Plane, Flying the First Wings into Space Presentation: with Michelle Evans