Committee & Staff/Contact Us

Westercon 74 is a committee of SFSFC Inc., a non-profit public benefit tax-exempt charitable corporation. We are entirely run by volunteers. Everyone working to organize the convention has purchased a membership under the ethos of “everybody pays, everybody plays.” We are actively interested in people joining us to help put on Westercon 74. Contact us to volunteer. If you see a position not listed here that you think should be, please let us know.

    • Chair: Kevin Standlee
    • Vice Chair/Hospitality: Lisa Hayes
      • Deputies: Chris Marble, Lisa Deutsch Harrigan, Randy Smith
      • Party Coordinator: Lynn Gold
      • Fan Tables: Christopher Carson
      • Mixologists: Kevin Roche, Andrew Trembley
      • Assistant Bartender: Carole Parker
      • Staff: Devon Creasey, Harold Harrigan, J, Linda Kelly, Scott Sanford
    • Dealers Room: David W. Clark
    • Facilities/Hotel Liaison: Mike Willmoth
      • Deputy: Sean McCoy
    • Member Services (Code of Conduct/Accessibility): Fred Moulton
      • Deputy: Chuck Serface
    • Operations: Rick Kovalcik
      • Technical Services: Cathy Beckstead, Dean Johnson, John Spence
    • Programming: Arlene Busby
      • Programming Assistant: Edward Hooper
      • Filking: Nick Smith
      • Gaming: Petrea Mitchell, Chris French
      • Local Events Liaison: Russ Gartz
      • Non-North American Programming Liaison: Cheryl Morgan
      • Paranormal Interest Group: Adrienne Foster
      • Program Ops: Michelle Deborah Weisblat-Dane
      • Trivia Contest: Keith Wood, Ric Bretschneider (pre-con), Ken Patterson, Jerry Majors Patterson (at-con)
      • Hall Costume Judging: John Hertz
    • Publications: Kevin Standlee
      • Newsletter (Tonopah Telegraph): Sharon Sbarsky
        • Printing & Proofing Minion: Rick Kovalcik
        • Reporters: Tom Becker, John Hertz, Spike, Kevin Standlee
    • Registration: Linda Deneroff
      • Staff: Joni Brill Dashoff
    • Westercon Business Meeting: Kevin Standlee
      • Westercon Business Meeting Secretary: Martin Pyne
      • Westercon Business Meeting Videographer: Lisa Hayes
    • 2024 Westercon (Westercon 76) Site Selection: Sharon Sbarsky
      • Staff: Rick Kovalcik