Westercon 74 Event Videos Posted

Westercon 74 has created a Westercon 74 YouTube channel where we post videos from the convention.  On this channel, we have also set up an Events playlist that includes recordings of all of the items that happened in the Main Hall/on the Main Stage of the Tonopah Convention Center, in the order that they happened during the convention.

The Events were, in order:

  • Friday: Opening Ceremony, followed by Question Time for the Utah in 2024 Westercon bid and for Westercon 75 in Anaheim.
  • Saturday: Match Game SF
  • Sunday Morning: Westercon Business Meeting, and separately uploaded, the Committee of the Whole on 2024 Westercon Site Selection.
  • Sunday Afternoon: Kuma’s Korner Stuffed Friends Gathering
  • Sunday: Closing Ceremony

We also have included separately the opening and closing title videos shown during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

We are still working on preparing recordings of our online and hybrid programming and will post them our our YouTube channel when they are available.

Westercon 74 Videos

Westercon 74 recorded videos of all events in the Main Hall (Opening Ceremony, Match Game SF, Business Meeting, and Closing Ceremony) and also recorded the online and hybrid programming in the Blue Room. We intend to publish these videos on YouTube as soon as possible. The rush of post-convention business, and unfortunately the effect of COVID-19 on our Programming Operations lead, mean that it will take longer to make these videos available than we had hoped.

When videos are published, we will announce it here on our website as well as on our Twitter feed and Facebook page.