Volunteers/Help Wanted

Westercon is run entirely by volunteers. We have all purchased memberships in Westercon 74 and we contribute our time and effort because of our love of science fiction, fantasy, and SF fandom. We need your help to make Westercon a success. Have a look at our Committee & Staff List to see the positions it takes to make a Westercon work. If you see an area in which you’d like to help, contact that area directly through their e-mail link if they have one. If there is no contact link, or if you see an area that’s currently needing someone to step up to help run it, write to us at volunteers@westercon74.org.

Our Programming department has these specific jobs needing filling:

Needed: Gaming Room hosts – During open gaming hours, people are needed to monitor the gaming library, keeping track of which games are checked out and returned (a pen and paper process). Gaming hosts should also be willing to jump in and help play or figure out short games that they may not have played before. Please contact gaming@westercon74.org if interested.

Needed: Someone to staff the Autograph Table – Duties are to make sure the table is stocked with pens, author name plates placed on autograph table and water is offered to those authors that request liquid refreshment. Please contact programming@westercon74.org if you are interested.

Needed: Someone to coordinate Author/Artist Small Groups (‘Kaffeeklatsches’) – Because of the small intimate room we are holding the Kaffeeklatsches in we will need signup sheets onsite. The coordinator will be responsible for the sheets and will make sure only those who have signed up are allowed in the room. Please contact programming@westercon74.org if you are interested.