This list of frequently asked questions is modeled after the FAQ developed for DisCon III and other conventions.

Which vaccines are acceptable?

Any vaccine authorized in the country in which the vaccine was received, including authorization for emergency use, for human use as a COVID vaccine is acceptable. The World Health Organization maintains information on the status of vaccine trials and approvals.

What does “fully vaccinated” mean?

“Fully vaccinated” means you must have received all required COVID vaccination doses no later than 14 days prior to the day you arrive at Westercon 74 to allow them to reach full efficacy before arrival.  The date of vaccination will be confirmed as part of the pre-Registration check.

The CDC provides information on vaccines authorized in the United States. For other vaccines, please consult with health experts in your country.

What forms of proof of vaccination are accepted?

We will accept original vaccination cards, digital or physical photographs or photocopies of vaccination cards (front and back), or electronic documentation provided by your country or state of origin, including print-outs of such documentation. This documentation should be provided in person at the Registration desk on site.

If you are concerned about the acceptability of your particular form of documentation (for example, your documentation is not in English and may not be understood by our staff), we encourage you to contact us in advance at

What if the name on my ID and the name on my vaccination card don’t match?

We know that there are many real reasons that a mismatch may occur, particularly among trans and nonbinary people as well as others who may have changed their names. We are happy to accommodate people in this situation on a case by case basis. Simply contact with the subject line: Name Mismatch [registration name] and outline your specific situation so that our staff can work with you ahead of time.

Do I need a booster shot?

We require at least one booster shot for entry if you are eligible to receive a booster shot. If you are eligible for an additional booster shot, we highly recommend that you get one.

You do not need a booster shot if you are ineligible for one. In the USA, the CDC currently recommends booster shots to everyone 18 and older and second booster shots for everyone 50 and older. Booster shots can be received six months after completing a two-shot Pfizer or Moderna vaccine series, or two months after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Other countries recommend other dosing intervals and have set availability at different age points.

As general health advice Westercon 74 encourages its members to follow whatever policies are in place in their country of residence and to consult their doctor as needed.