Membership List

Here is the list of members, last updated July 16, 2022. This is the membership list as of the close of the convention including name corrections received after the convention.

The number and letter after each member’s name is their badge number and membership type:
A: Attending
S: Supporting
Y: Young Adult
C: Child
K: Kid-in-Tow

Names are alphabetized based on our best interpretation the member’s designated “Badge Name.” Please contact us if you would prefer your Badge Name be alphabetized differently than the way we have done so here.

There are gaps in our membership numbering, so just because you see a membership numbered (for example) 500 doesn’t mean that there are 500 total members. See our Membership Count by Location/Class page for total membership counts.

Members who requested that their names not be listed are not included here. If you do not want your name listed on our web site or in our publications, or if you need to make a change to your membership record in any way, including transferring your membership to someone else, contact Westercon 74 Registration.

Fawn Agapoff (224 A)
James Agapoff (223 A)
Alex (200 A)
Carol “Darklighter” Alves (167 A)
James Alves (168 A)
Izak Andersen (201 A)
Gray Anderson (123 A)
Karen G. Anderson (113 A)
Gene Armstrong (13 A)
Hal C. F. Astell of Apocalypse Later (63 A)
Auntie M (14 A)
Chris Ballowe (401 S)
Bandit (57 A)
Mari Bangs (402 S)
Stephanie L. Bannon (126 A)
Jan Bass (228 A)
Mathew Baughman (22 A)
Robin Baylor (230 A)
Kuma Bear (3 A)
Tom Becker (219 A)
Judy Bemis (31 A)
Gregory Benford (156 A)
Sherri Benoun (127 A)
Guest of Woody Bernardi (158 A)
Woody Bernardi (157 A)
Douglas E. Berry (142 A)
Kirsten M. Berry (143 A)
Randy Bixby (209 A)
Kevin Black (207 A)
Gary Blog (53 A)
Kent Bloom (103 A)
Amy Bradley (185 A)
John Bradley (255 A)
Guy Bradshaw (178 A)
Kimber Brasher (280 A)
Jonathan Brazee (79 A)
Seth Breidbart (80 A)
Debbie Bretschneider (188 A)
Ric Bretschneider (189 A)
Bob Brown (273 A)
Jordan Brown (95 A)
Kim Brown (96 A)
Troy Brown (97 A)
Paul Bull (260 A)
Pam Burr (27 A)
Arlene Busby (6 A)
Ted Butler (470 S)
Kasbah the Camel (475 A S)
Fred Capp (229 A)
Guest of Amy Carpenter #1 (61 A)
Guest of Amy Carpenter #2 (62 A)
Jamie Cassidy-Curtis (245 A)
Timothy Cassidy-Curtis (244 A)
Countess Chaos (64 A)
Sandra Childress (282 A)
David Clark (48 A)
Steve Cole (196 A)
George Crandell (86 A)
Jennifer Crawford (213 A)
Richard Crawford (212 A)
Devon Creasey (116 A)
Mary Creasey (115 A)
Richard Creasey (117 A)
Lisa Cummings (177 A)
Eric Cutler (275 A)
Jennifer Darcy (85 A)
Joni Brill Dashoff (406 S)
Jessie Davenport (268 A)
Kyle Davenport (267 A)
Jo Davidsmeyer (34 A)
Philip Davis (192 S)
Lesa Deadman (221 A)
Robert Deadman (222 A)
Richard Dehhong (407 S)
Joy Denebeim (408 S)
Linda Deneroff (9 A)
Lee Denmark (288 A)
Clark T. Denning (140 A)
John DeVoy (28 A)
Dorothy Domitz (409 S)
Emily Domitz (410 S)
Robert Domitz (411 S)
Myrna Donato (175 A)
Laura Donohue (211 A)
J. L. Doty (161 A)
Karen Doty (160 A)
Brenda Dupont (146 A)
Craig Dyer (46 A)
Thomas Eivins (109 A)
Jacqueline T. Elderkin (47 A)
Cherie Evans (238 A)
Michelle Evans (237 A)
Gadi Evron (414 S)
Bruce Farr (5 S)
Lea Farr (170 A)
Doug Faunt (162 A)
Tupou Fakava-Smith (233 A)
Charles Fisher (415 S)
Terry Fisher (416 S)
Don Forbis (20 A)
Adrienne Foster (129 A)
Deanne Fountaine (473 S)
Jack Foy (468 S)
Chris French (195 A)
Kevin Frost (163 A)
Janice Galeckas (23 A)
Steve Gallacci (215 A)
David Gallaher (418 S)
Charles Galway (281 A)
Jo Ann Garbarini (141 A)
Lisa Garrison (419 S)
Russ Gartz (7 A)
Cynthia (138 A)
Paul Gilbert (250 A)
Zelda Gilbert (420 S)
Steve Gillett (214 A)
Travis Gillett (266 A)
Craig Glassner (67 A)
Marsha Glassner (66 A)
Mike Glyer (279 A)
Jean Goddin (18 A)
Lynn Gold (38 A)
Larry Gomez (71 A)
Lynne Goodwin (422 S)
Michael Goodwin (423 S)
Ed Green (154 A)
Hugh S. Gregory (276 A)
Greta (51 A)
Brandy Grote (120 A)
G. Michael Grote (119 A)
Eileen Gunn (262 A)
Richard Hallock (106 A)
ChrisO (147 A)
JohnO (148 A)
Electra Hammond (426 S)
Linda Hardie (203 A)
Pixievolt No.1 (15 A)
J. Kent Hastings (125 A)
Lisa Hayes (2 A)
Sean Patrick Hazlett (251 A)
Felicia Herman (81 A)
Judith Herman (425 A)
John Hertz (41 A)
Alice Hescox (216 A)
Kevin Hewett (92 A)
Rebecca Hewett (91 A)
The Hare (184 A)
Mark Hodges (269 A)
Kathryn Hodghead (475 S)
Chris Hull (121 A)
Linda Hull (122 A)
Chris Illes (65 A)
Irene (101 A)
J (246 A)
Jeanne (Sourdough) Jackson (428 S)
Jim Janney (254 A)
Curtis Jewell (429 S)
Jo Van (472 S)
Cathy Johnson (164 A)
Dean Johnson (165 A)
Barbara Johnson-Haddad (430 S)
Michael Johnston (179 A)
Daniel Julicher (424 S)
Kate Julicher (431 S)
Kané (102 A)
Kaze (452 A)
Hari Khalsa (259 A)
Douglas Killings (206 A)
Diana Koivunen (287 A)
Rick Kovalcik (82 A)
Joshua Kreitzer (476 S)
Watson Ladd (432 A)
William Laubenheimer (197 A)
Andrea Letourneau (433 S)
Guy Letourneau (434 S)
Mark Linneman (435 A)
Jerry Lohr (72 A)
John Lorentz (436 S)
Rita Loy (186 A)
Chris Lozon (218 A)
Lenka Lukacova (437 S)
Kathryn Luke (83 A)
Richard Luke (84 A)
David Luperti (135 A)
Guest of David Luperti (134 A)
Brad Lyau (124 A)
Alexandra Lyons (180 A)
Michele Lyons (181 A)
Raymond Lyons (210 A)
Rebecca Lyons (182 A)
Robert Lyons (438 S)
Duncan MacKinnon (226 A)
Jerry Majors-Patterson (217 A)
Margaret Mannatt (191 S)
Jim Manning (40 A)
Sandy Manning (39 A)
Beth Marble (69 A)
Chris Marble (68 A)
Cheryl Martin (439 S)
Theresa Mather (49 S)
Keith McClune (25 A)
Sheila McClune (26 A)
Cheryl McCombs (440 S)
Sean McCoy (274 A)
Christian McGuire (111 A)
Althea McMurrian (110 A)
Allen Metscher (264 A)
Petréa Mitchell (421 A)
Deirdre Saoirse Moen (442 A)
Rick Moen (443 A)
Helen Montgomery (444 S)
Debbra Montoya (289 A)
Cheryl Morgan (8 S)
Sunny Jim Morgan (208 A)
Jeffrey Morman (152 A)
Judith Morman (151 A)
Mem Morman (105 A)
Michael Morman (153 A)
Chip Morningstar (278 A)
Janice Morningstar (277 A)
Liz Mortensen (155 A)
William Morton (193 A)
Yvonne Morton (194 A)
Fred Moulton (445 A)
Kevin Andrew Murphy (174 A)
Pat Murphy (205 A)
Marguerite Murray (446 S)
G. David Nordley (172 A)
Maggie Nowakowska (249 A)
Ron Oakes (35 A)
Tara Oakes (36 A)
Aleshia Oberding (284 A)
Bill Oberding (236 A)
Janice Oberding (235 A)
Michael Oberg (58 A)
Pamela Oberg (59 A)
Tom O’Dell (70 A)
Dorothy O’Hare (100 A)
Chris Olds (42 A)
Diane Osborne (99 A)
Dick O’Shea (469 S)
Carole Parker (220 A)
Tony Parker (32 A)
Jim Partridge (231 A)
Ken Patterson (404 S)
Paul (118 A)
Joe Pearce (427 A)
Robert Pechmann (29 A)
Lisa Peoples (104 A)
Joseph Pregracke (74 A)
C. D. Carson (405 A)
Martin Pyne (73 A)
QelDoQ (98 A)
Lloyd Quincy-Dane (258 A)
Nora Rankin (76 A)
Rick I Filk (89 A)
Kimberly Roberts (272 A)
Michelle Roberts (232 A)
Linda Robinett (16 A)
Kelly Roche (169 A)
Kevin Roche (131 A)
Heath Row (471 S)
Ruth Sachter (448 S)
Bill Samuels (130 A)
Scott Sanford (37 A)
Eric Sayle (52 A)
Sharon Sbarsky (10 A)
Pharaoh Kaires (78 A)
Scott (285 A)
Cindy Scott (449 A)
Marah Searle-Kovacevic (450 A)
Chuck Serface (187 A)
The Shadow Cat (30 A)
Jannie Shea (227 A)
Barry Short (50 S)
Michael Siladi (107 A)
John Sloan (88 A)
Kathleen Sloan (87 A)
Boris Smersh (44 A)
Natasha Smersh (45 A)
Cindy Smith (133 A)
Nick Smith (171 A)
Randy Smith (204 A)
Gisela (137 A)
Sylvia Sotomayor (136 A)
John Spence (198 A)
Spike (199 A)
Kevin Standlee (1 A)
Maurine Starkey (128 A)
Howeird (139 A)
Alison Stern (108 A)
Peggy (149 A)
Rob Stewart (150 A)
Kelly Strait (75 A)
Gary Swaty (455 A)
Sherilynn Thagard (456 S)
W. A. Thomasson (17 A)
Linnea Thompson (90 A)
Toni (21 A)
Andrew Trembley (132 A)
R. Laurraine Tutihasi (458 S)
Gerard Tyra (459 S)
Rhiannon Tyra (460 S)
Sandra Tyra (461 S)
Shawn Tyra (462 S)
UnObtanium Bazaar (252 A)
UnObtanium Bazaar (253 A)
Joseph Uphoff (183 A)
Becky Veal (55 A)
Tom Veal (54 A)
Vincent Villafranca (464 S)
Alex Von Thorn (463 A)
Dave Wallace (11 A)
Kern Wallace (12 A)
John Wardale (465 S)
Kennita Watson (466 A)
Mike Weasner (467 S)
Michelle Weisblat-Dane (257 A)
Chris Welborn (77 A)
Linda Wenzelburger (190 A)
Alan White (145 A)
DeDee White (144 A)
Lee Whiteside (474 S)
Tom Whitmore (112 A)
Deb Wible (270 A)
Les Wible (271 A)
Gayle Wiesner (173 A)
William (412 S)
Kim Williams (33 A)
Mike Willmoth (4 A)
Sally Woehrle (114 A)
Ben Yalow (43 A)
Stephanie Young (24 A)
Jazmine ZieZzel-Andersen (202 C)
Kelly Zimmerman (261 A)