Westercon 76 Site Selection Open; No Bids Filed by Deadline

No group filed a bid by the April 15, 2022 deadline to host Westercon 76 (the 2024 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference). Bids can still file up until the close of voting (7 PM PDT, July 2, 2022) to be eligible as a write-in bid to win the election.

Site Selection voting is now open. See our Site Selection page for more information and to download a ballot. The ballot will also be distributed to members as part of Progress Report 5, scheduled for publication sometime in May. You can vote by postal mail (the address is on the ballot) or in person at Westercon 74 in Tonopah, or you can designate someone to deliver your ballot on your behalf to the convention. Voting will be open on July 1 and 2, and will close at 7 PM PDT on Saturday, July 2, 2022.

Should no eligible bid receive sufficient votes, or if None of the Above wins, the selection of the site of Westercon 76 will fall to the Westercon Business Meeting, which is scheduled for 11 AM on Sunday, July 3, 2022 in the Main Hall of the Tonopah Convention Center.

Note that no bid was selected to host Westercon 75 (the 2023 Westercon) at last year’s convention, but a committee was formed to attempt to find a group to host the convention. As of now, no groups have come forward prepared to host Westercon 75. It is likely that the determination of arrangements for both Westercons 75 and 76 will be up to the members of Westercon at this year’s Business Meeting. If the Business Meeting is unable to make a decision, the determination of arrangements for Westercon will be left up to the board of directors of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, owners of the Westercon service mark.